Have an Opinion on LAPD's Body Cam Plans? Input Sought
The Los Angeles Police Commission asked the public today to weigh in by Jan. 16 on how police officers should use hundreds of body cameras that are scheduled to be deployed next year.
The Los Angeles Police Department is preparing guidelines for using more than 800 Taser Axon body cameras set to be rolled out early next year. Mayor Eric Garcetti is also hoping to deploy a total of 7,000 cameras citywide by mid-2016.
The Los Angeles Police Commission's survey was circulated to an initial group of about 1,000 people who are signed up to receive agendas and other information from the commission, as well as participants of Community-Police Advisory Boards, Commission Executive Director Richard Tefank said.
The survey asks for input on when and where recordings can take place, and how the stored video footage can be used.
The questions:
- When should officers turn the camera on and under what circumstances should they turn them off?
- Are there instances or locations where you believe recordings should not take place?
- How should the LAPD protect the privacy of those individuals who are recorded on video?
- Do you believe officers should be able to view the video prior to writing the necessary reports?
- Do you believe that department supervisors should regularly review the video captured to ascertain opportunities for improved training?
The survey also asks for any other comments that respondents would like to provide and questions they believe the Police Commission should ask the LAPD as the development of the policy is reviewed.
Responses to the questions can be submitted to Body- WornCameraSurvey@lapd.lacity.org.
Tefank said the commission plans to post the survey on its website later today. The public will also have the opportunity to submit comments at two community meetings in January, and at the weekly Police Commission meetings.
The commission's questionnaire is in addition to a separate online survey being conducted by the Los Angeles Police Department at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LAPDBodyWornVideo.
Share your answers below in the comments section.