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Beneficiary Designations

Naming PBS SoCal (KOCE-TV Foundation) as a beneficiary of your financial accounts, retirement assets or life insurance is an effective and efficient way to support the future of public television in Southern California. Making a gift through a beneficiary designation is a simple and convenient three-step process.

  1. Contact your financial institution, retirement plan administrator or life insurance company and request a beneficiary designation form.
  2. Complete the form to designate PBS SoCal (KOCE-TV Foundation) as a primary or contingent beneficiary of your assets. The tax-identification number for PBS SoCal (KOCE-TV Foundation) is 95-2211661.
  3. Return the form to your financial institution, retirement plan administrator or life insurance company and then contact PBS SoCal (KOCE-TV Foundation) to share the wonderful news!

A beneficiary designation can also help avoid the expenses and possible delays that can be experienced with the probate process.

Learning More

To learn more about naming PBS SoCal as one of your beneficiaries, please contact Katherine Gfeller at (310) 237-4501 or We would be honored to work with you and your advisors as you consider your plans.

Please consult with your professional advisor for advice on the full impact of your charitable gifts on your financial and/or legal circumstances.

Planning Resources:
Getting Started