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Simple Gift Series
Marty’s Theme & Variations; Another Trip to the Farm; “Why D
Season 2020
Episode 12
Come learn & sing with Miss Linda! Marty the Music Man tells us about theme & variations. Miss Linette shows us more of her farm friends in the Curiosity Corner. Betty the Bookworm reads "Why Does the Hummingbird Hum?" Miss Linda gets a special gift.
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Sing and play, take friends to The Penrose Room, read "Mind My Manners."

Learn about sharps & flats, visit the United States Olympic & Paralympic Museum, and read.

Have fun with musical tempos, go to the Veterinarian and read TheWaterbug & the DragonFly.

Learn different woodwind instruments, visit Maestro Wilson and read "Making New Friends."

Listens to jazz music, visits some amphibian friends, read "Wise Mr. Bullfrog."

Learn & sing with Miss Linda! Sing and play with Marty the Music Man. Go on a hike.

Learn & sing with Miss Linda! Marty the Music Man shows us how a piano works. Meet Dewey.

Learn & sing with Miss Linda! Marty the Music Man teaches us about note names.

Marty the Music Man shows us how measures help us count music.

Come learn & sing with Miss Linda! Marty the Music Man takes us to the Art Room.

Marty the Music Man shows us how to put rhythms on a music staff.

Come learn & sing with Miss Linda! Marty the Music Man plays with solfege and rhythms.