County Fairs: An Excuse To Deep Fry Anything
I have a pet theory that the various county fairs throughout the country are really just disguised advertisements by the Deep Fried Lobbyists to get people to purchase their own personal mini-deep fryers for the comfort of deep frying in their own home. What other explanation is there for the vast amount of coronary-inducing/artery-clogging odd culinary treats that can be found through the aisles of the fair? There are things that simply wouldn't be deep fried if this wasn't the case.
And this year's L.A. County Fair is no different. Among the items that dipped in deep fryers include Klondike bars, Oreos, avocados, pickles, frog legs, cookie dough, and even cereal. Deep fried cereal. What. Why. How. Huh?
So, if you're thinking about heading down to the fair, well, first make sure to get a full physical from your doctor. And second, here's a handful of deep fried masterpieces from around the country -- and a few selections from our neighbors to the North -- that you can compare L.A.'s offerings to.
(And if you're looking for a non-fried L.A. County Fair recipe, check out Eva Anderson's Blue Ribbon Bundt Cake!)