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Watch 'The Men Who Made Us Fat' Right Here on KCET Food

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The BBC documentary "The Men Who Made Us Fat" will premiered on KCET on April 2. Parts two and three will air April 9 and April 16 at 8 p.m.

The miniseries follows journalist Jacques Peretti as he explores how eating habits have changed over the last 40 years. Unsurprisingly, it has a lot do with the rise of fast food, and food companies' increasing reliance on high fructose corn syrup.

These topics are incredibly important to us at KCET Food, and we have a primer for you before you watch "The Men Who Made Us Fat." Read the articles below, and tell us what you think about the issues!

Please Go Away, McRib
Can We Trust Calorie Listings?
Less Than 1% of Fast Food Kids' Meals Are Healthy
Yes, We're All Still Eating GMO Corn
Beyond Subway's Yoga Mat Bread: 5 Other Ingredients That Need To Go

"The Men Who Made Us Fat"
4/2 at 8 PM: High-fructose corn syrup 
4/9 at 8 PM: Supersizing fast food meals
4/16 at 8 PM: Healthy foods marketing gimmicks

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