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Yes on 37 Launches Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Ads

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Yes on 37, the group working to convince California residents to vote this November for GMO labeling on packaged foods, has launched three new radio spots today.

The ads cover breakfast, lunch, and dinner, seemingly to show how GMOs are absolutely everywhere, from breakfast cereals to spice mixes. It's an interesting marketing move -- breakfast represented by a cool dude, lunch by a fun mom, and dinner by a sexy mom.

Of course, as written the proposition doesn't cover all GMO foods: cows that ate modified grain won't be known at the supermarket as GMO steak, for instance.

In other news, Prop 37 has officially gained the support of Whole Foods, the City Councils of Berkeley and Pacifica, the North County Times and the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors. Now, if they could get the support of a group that wasn't an absolute given...

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See more of our Prop 37 coverage here.

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