Meet Local Hero Nominee: Frances M. Castro-Montoya
Nominee Name: Frances M. Castro-Montoya
Title: Vice President, Pacific Chapter
Organization/Business: AT&T Pioneers
Website: AT&T Pioneers website
Nominator: Dan McCrory
“Frances is always one of the first to volunteer and provide the leadership to get the task accomplished — often bringing along family members to pitch in. Her children and grandchildren will be her legacy — continuing the giving spirit of volunteerism and impacting the community for generations to come.”
— Dan McCrory, Nominator
About Frances M. Castro-Montoya
Some Local Heroes are just your neighbors that go above and beyond once you get to know their story. That’s the case for Frances M. Castro-Montoya, a woman who when told of her nomination for this honor, recommended in her typical fashion that instead we pursue someone else more deserving. She has spent a significant amount of her life under the streets of Los Angeles working as a telephone cable splicer. But the magic happens outside of her workplace. Whether it’s refurbishing a garden at Highland Park High School, providing homeless vets with some of the essentials for life on the streets or preparing meals for families at the Ronald McDonald House, Castro-Montoya is regarded as a true Local Hero through her work as an active community volunteer, mother and professional. In her workplace, Frances has been involved in AT&T’s Pioneers for over 20 years, currently serving as vice president of the Pacific Chapter which encourages friendship and fellowship, recalling the facts, traditions and memories of the early history of the telephone. In 1958, community service was established as a new tradition for the organization and is today the world’s largest group of industry-specific employees and retirees dedicated to community service. AT&T Pioneers are located across the continental U.S. and work with a wide variety of nonprofit agencies and schools, dedicating more than 15 million hours annually to the individual needs of their communities.