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More than 520,000 Ballots Still Uncounted in L.A. County

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Vote by Mail ballots going through signature verification and cross-checking with precinct rosters. | Photo: Courtesy RR/CC
Vote by Mail ballots going through signature verification and cross-checking with precinct rosters. | Photo: Courtesy RR/CC

County officials are still making their way through hundreds of thousands of uncounted ballots. Today in his bi-weekly update, L.A. County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Dean Logan said there are approximately 521,710 ballots are left to be counted.

Logan has deemed five races to be "close contests," including the Measure J, which would extend an existing countywide sales tax by 30 years to fund transportation projects. But officials at Metro, which is charged with the special sales tax, have already conceded. "We are encouraged by this expression of confidence," said Metro CEO Art Leahy in an e-mail to the public last week.

Measure J currently stands with 64.74 percent, barely a change since the election; it needs approval by two-thirds, or 66.67 percent, of voters.

Uncounted Ballots by the Numbers:

  • 792,658: The number of uncounted ballots after Election Day.
  • 270,948: The number of ballots -- all of them vote by mail ballots -- counted so far, leaving 521,710 more to go.
  • 325,687: The number of provisional ballots cast, none of which have been counted so far.
  • 28: The number of days county officials have to continue counting ballots. That day is December 4, although November 30 is L.A. County's internal goal to complete the count.
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