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The Cadiz Dunes with the Old Woman Mountains in the background
The Mojave Desert's Old Woman Mountains are a real-life history book. Their wildlife and water deserve lasting protection.
The head of Donald Trump's Interior Department Transition Team is hip-deep in California water politics. And that's bad news for the environment. 
Ominous news for the Delta tunnels: Seattle tried to dig a two-mile tunnel, ran into obstacles, and left taxpayers on the hook.
"How can you heal Indian country? You tell the truth."
The state promised the proposed Delta tunnels would be built without spending tax dollars. They seem to be ready to break that promise.
Artesian well in northern Long Beach at the turn of the 20th century.
Most Southern Californians have only a murky understanding of the groundwater aquifers they rely upon – and the political bodies that manage them.
The California Supreme Court just set limits on the Mining Law of 1872.
California’s most controversial threatened species has never been closer to extinction.
Who's paying for the $50 billion project remains murky
Chris Onesto, "California Drought Billboard," 2015 (featured)
As Californians enter the fifth year of drought conditions, we consider 11 artists who have worked with water as a subject or a medium -- individuals who make us rethink the way we engage with this vital resource.
California's weirdest water project keeps getting weirder.
Water Safety
A looming project may make Stockton's drinking water worse, but it isn't the one that's been making the news.
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