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Contaminated Sites Remediation

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The Study Area has several acres of brownfields, often vacant or under-utilized sites, where redevelopment is impeded due to the presence, or perceived presence, of contamination by hazardous materials. Along the riverfront, contaminants are commonly found on properties with a history of heavy industrial use. Heavy rail yards, along with landfill and industrial recycling activities, are a source of land and water contamination. Also, an ageing system of septic tanks within the existing industrially zoned lands may contribute to that contamination.

These brownfields can remain underutilized or abandoned for years because of the significant potential for liability and financial risk for brownfield property owners and financiers. There is a substantial cost to site remediation, but it is possible to surmount these obstacles when the value offered by new uses is sufficient to provide incentive for investment. The continued focus of the City on environmental remediation is essential for human health, but also for redevelopment.

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