NELA Small Business

As communities evolve, small businesses face tough competition in a changing environment. The majority of businesses along neighborhood corridors are small businesses that help create a sense of place and community identity. To ensure the unique set of commercial activity continues to proper, we recommend additional support services for small NELA businesses, including:
Developing and adopting a program that encourages
private and governmental entities to purchase goods and
services from local NELA businesses;
Fostering entrepreneurial thinking by supporting and
expanding entrepreneur-training programs, apprentice
opportunities and business services;
Forming a business improvement district (BID) to
collectively market and brand NELA commercial
corridors, such as Los Feliz Blvd, Glendale Blvd, San
Fernando Rd, Fletcher Rd, Cypress Ave and Figueroa S
Improving outreach efforts of small business assistance
programs and resources that target NELA small businesses
that do not have the capacity to seek out such resources.