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Northeast Los Angeles Placemaking Competition: Metro Gold Line Bikeway

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Project submitted by ERW Design

Project designed for Lincoln Heights

Project Summary and Scale

A new, one-mile, dedicated bike lane, from the Cypress Park Metro Gold Line station to the L.A. River bike path. Our proposal includes renaming the stop as the Metro River Station, signage on the West 26 overpass, and wayfinding maps at the station.

Why are you committed to this project?

A dedicated bike lane from the Metro 'River Station' to the L.A. River Bike Path is a vivid and needed showcase of non-motorized transportation. By connecting the Metro system with safe, bicycle routes, Angelinos from across the city will have increased access to the L.A. River.

What are the most relevant characteristics of project site and scale?

This is a simple expansion of the existing network of L.A. bike lanes and public transportation, and completes the loop of a safe bicycle route to the L.A. River. Adding a river access bike lane from the train station, visitors can enjoy the L.A. River and leave their cars at home.


Describe how this project will reinforce a sense of place or enhance the built environment.

Though Cypress Park and Lincoln Heights have limited riverfront access, renaming the metro stop as the 'River Station' will identify these communities as gateway neighborhoods to the LA River. Signage along the bicycle path to the river and the Metro will increase awareness of this regional asset to Cypress Park and Lincoln Heights residents and visitors.

Provide a description of the project's necessary planning activities.

This project requires support of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation bicycle lane program, in the hopes of including this bike lane on the 2015 project calendar. It will also require buy-in from the Metro regarding re-naming, signage, and wayfinding information.

What is a rough estimate of your project budget?

According to the city's bike plan and the LADOT, the cost of one mile of bike lanes is $100,000, which includes analysis, design, and outreach. Costs may increase depending of paint-continuous surfacing or thermoplastic-conflict ones. We were unable to contact Metro staff to develop their portion of the budget.

How does this project leverage existing resources and efforts?

This new bicycle lane is an exceptional candidate for the existing Los Angeles Department of Transportation Bike Program. It meets the goals of the existing LADOT bike lane program, as well as the Metro Blue Ribbon Committee to integrate bike route information into their outreach programs.

What community need is your project serving?

Urban bike lanes are important contributions to healthy and safe neighborhoods. This bike lane, by providing access to the river as well as the Metro station, provides the community access to the river (fun and recreation) or the Metro station (work and commuting). As gatekeeper communities to a revitalized LA River, Lincoln Heights and Cypress Park will benefit economically from increased visitors.

If your project is realized, what does success look like?

This project will be successful when Angelinos from all over the city visit the LA River and leave their cars at home. This project will be successful when NELA residents have safe bike routes to a important natural resource. This project will be successful when Lincoln Heights residents say, "I live here."

How to Vote for the People's Choice award: On the bottom of each submission page, is a ballot. Click the titles below to explore the submission, and once you've decided on your favorite, cast your vote. Feel free to vote for more than one (select several at once) and you can submit one vote per day until end of day February 27. See all submissions here.

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