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People of Glassell Park: Gabriel Rodas

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My name is Gabriel Rodas, and what we work on here are electrical signs for shopping centers and malls. I started here in June of 2003. Things have been getting better. They fixed the street and there is less crime in the area. It used to be so bad over here, but now it's much better. They have better control of the situation.

Well, I'm planning to get a bigger place so I won't be here for too long. I like the area, but I need a bigger place because my business is getting bigger. I would like to stay in the area. Hopefully I can find a bigger building in the area.

It is hard to get to these buildings with the big trucks. It's not easy access. In the small streets it is hard for big trucks to load and unload. I needed easy access to something like San Fernando Rd. and Eagle Rock Blvd., or any big street that will be easy for trailers.

The above interview is transcribed and edited from the following interview:

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