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Angel of Death
Episode 3
Season 1
Episode 3
Exhausted Agnieszka has a theory about the perpetrator of the crimes and is convinced that he has already begun his search for the next victim.
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Thanks to Piotr’s manipulation, Agnieszka is arrested.

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Monika becomes suspicious of Lila and decides to fire her.

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Piotr assures Lila that he wants a new life with her, but he needs his children first.

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Agnieszka has trouble convincing anyone to take her suspicions seriously.

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When the body of a young girl is found, Agnieszka looks for a link to Piotr.

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Piotr picks up a hitchhiker who recognizes him from the trial.

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Agnieszka has no doubt that she caught the sociopath who almost killed her daughter.