2014 Flashback: Orange County
It's diverse economy has allowed Orange County to creep in as one of the most intriguing cultural centers of Southern California. Today, we look back at five of 2014's featured articles from Orange County. We hope you enjoy catching up on all the artistic discussions and activities that pervaded arts and culture in 2014.
The Expanding Art Scene of Santa Ana
In the past few years, entrepreneurs and artists have been expanding the arts scene of Santa Ana to reach beyond the limits of the historic Artists Village, and into The East End
On the Scene: California Landscape Paintings
California Scene Paintings from the 1920s-1970s are oil and watercolor paintings inspired by scenes of everyday life in California. Today these works are being rediscovered.
The Marvelous Marble of Elizabeth Turk
A pioneer in marble arts for 20 years, Elizabeth Turk has helped marble come back with a vengeance into the contemporary art scene.
The Video Sculptures of Peter Sarkisian
The exhibition "Sarkisian & Sarkisian" features multimedia sculptures that tie together the work of Peter Sarkisian with that of his father, painter Paul Sarkisian.
Summer Writing Project: The Next Great Storytellers
A new program seeks to rebrand libraries, long viewed as places of information consumption, as sites of creation.