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Programming Basics: Statements & Functions: Crash Course Computer Science #12
Season 1
Episode 12
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Crash Course Computer Science
How Computers Calculate - the ALU: Crash Course Computer Science #5
Season 1
Episode 5
Take the 2017 PBS Digital Studios Survey: http://surveymonkey.com/r/pbsds2017. Today we're going to talk about a fundamental part of all modern computers. The thing that basically everything else uses - the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (or the ALU). The ALU may not have to most exciting name, but it is the mathematical brain of a computer and is responsible for all the calculations your computer does
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In our SERIES FINALE of Crash Course Computer Science we take a look towards the future!
Today we’re going to talk about how computer science can support learning.
Today, we’re going to discuss some psychological considerations in building computers.
Today we're going to talk about robots!
Today we’re going to talk about how computers understand speech and speak themselves.
Today we’re going to talk about how computers see.
How do computers make decisions on the data they collect?
Today we’re going to talk about how to keep information secret, and this isn’t a new goal.
Today we're going to talk about hackers and their strategies for breaking into computer sy
Cybersecurity is a set of techniques to protect data against threats.
Today we’re going to discuss the World Wide Web - not to be confused with the Internet.
Today, we're going to talk about how the Internet works.