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Order of Leopold, Suffrage Pennant, WB Cartoon
A medal of high honor, pivotal women's voting rights campaign, and unsung cartoon heroes.
1775 Almanac, Exercise Records, Moon Museum
A family diary of the Revolution, a 20s media fitness guru, and is Warhol art on the moon?
Marion Carpenter Camera, Drug Smuggling Doll, Florida Map
A first in White House photography, a doll used to smuggle drugs, an early map of Florida.
Hot Town Poster, Andrew Jackson Mouth, and Modoc Basket
An angry poster from the violent 60s, reuniting a broken statue, and a heroine's basket.
Japanese Cane, Revolutionary Telescope & I.W. Baker's...
An internment camp cane, the spyglass that saw revolution and a rare gold rush relic.
Top Secret Drone, Roosevelt's War Club & Clara Barton Letter
A WWII prototype drone, a war memento for Teddy Roosevelt and a letter from Clara Barton.
Civil War Letters, Aviation Fabric & African American...
A story of two Civil War letters, mystery aviation autographs & a 1950s black comic book.
John Brown Spear, US Bullet in Siberia & Ronald McDonald...
A spear from John Brown's raid, America's Siberian war and Ronald McDonald's first suit.
Propaganda Leaflet,Tiffany Window & Spanish Civil War Eulogy
Decoding a propaganda leaflet, the women behind Tiffany and a father's forgotten tribute.
A Hero in Hawaii, Civil War Cannon & Stuntman Pioneer
A WWII hero in Hawaii, the first shot of secession, and a stuntman who changed Hollywood.
Season 8, Episode 10
WB Cartoons; Galvez Papers; Mussolini's Dagger
Season 8, Episode 11
Chicago Clock; Universal Friends; War Dogs
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