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Inequality for All

Inequality for All

Season 2 Episode 37
Saving the Earth from Ourselves 

Saving the Earth from Ourselves 

Season 2 Episode 38
Wendell Berry: Poet and Prophet

Wendell Berry: Poet and Prophet

Season 2 Episode 39
Citizens United: The Sequel

Citizens United: The Sequel

Season 2 Episode 40
America’s Political Breakdown

America’s Political Breakdown

Season 2 Episode 41
Progressives Pick up the Pieces

Progressives Pick up the Pieces

Season 2 Episode 42
How Dollarocracy is Destroying America

How Dollarocracy is Destroying America

Season 2 Episode 44
The Path of Positive Resistance

The Path of Positive Resistance

Season 2 Episode 45
Encore: Wendell Berry: Poet and Prophet

Encore: Wendell Berry: Poet and Prophet

Season 2 Episode 47
Encore: America's Gilded Capital

Encore: America's Gilded Capital

Season 2 Episode 48
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Moyers & Company

The Collision of Sports and Politics

Season 2 Episode 36

Bill Moyers talks with sports editor Dave Zirin about the collision of sports and politics and the ways in which sports shape our understanding of things like racism, sexism, homophobia. It shapes our understanding of corporations and what’s happening to our cities. In so many different ways sports stories are stories of American life in the 21st century.

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The Crusade Against Reproductive Rights
Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards on the politics of reproductive freedom.
Is the Surpreme Court Out of Order?
Bill speaks with two journalists about the agenda of the Roberts court.
Grass Roots Grow Against Greed
Organized people versus organized money: the battle continues.
The Truth vs. DC's Propaganda Machine
Why facts, logic and reason are often missing in the rush to war.
Chaos in Iraq
While Washington’s armchair warriors cry “back to Iraq,” a real warrior says no way.
Too Big to Fail and Getting Bigger
Our banks are larger than before the 2008 crash and they're still living dangerously.
How Tax Reform Can Save the Middle Class
Economist Stiglitz says corporate tax abuse has helped make America unequal & undemocratic
Joseph E. Stiglitz: Let’s Stop Subsidizing Tax Dodgers
The Nobel Prize-winning economist on why America’s future prosperity depends on tax reform
Facing the Truth: The Case for Reparations
Bill speaks with Ta-Nehisi Coates, a senior editor for The Atlantic, about his cover stor
The War on Climate Scientists
David Suzuki says there's still hope for the planet, despite the greed of corporations.
Time to Get Real on Climate Change
A scientist warns that we’re burning up the planet.
Is Net Neutrality Dead?
Democracy loses if the Internet’s sold to the highest bidder -- and that may be what's abo
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