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Mysteries of Mental Illness

Lloyd Hale | Part 1 | Decolonizing Mental Health

Lloyd Hale was 13 when his first symptoms of schizophrenia appeared. He was smoking too much weed, he was told. Growing up in the projects, the intersecting matrices of race, poverty and incarceration prevented appropriate treatment while the larger society willfully ignored his welfare. Here’s his story of recovery, resilience and refusal to “sleep it off.”

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New Frontiers
Today, with cutting-edge treatments for mental illness, the biggest battle is inclusion.
The Rise and Fall of the Asylum
The fascinating story behind the rise and fall of the mental asylum in the United States.
Who’s Normal?
Science and societal factors shape ever-shifting definitions of mental health and illness.
Evil or Illness
Treatment of mental illness over history has been trial and error.
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