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Pocket Sketching with Kath Macaulay
Color and Color Mixing
Season 1
Episode 7
Kath demonstrates the usual color wheel compared to John F. Carlson’s and how and why to use it, creating your own, and several methods of color mixing to get a good knowledge of the colors in the box. This includes use of gouache and its limitations in fast field sketching with watercolor. She emphasizes the importance of doing disciplined exercises right only once, and preplanning a reward.
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Kath demonstrates sketching with a huge advantage: the timer!

Kath explores how to stay focused with distractions.

Kath demonstrates how to get the feeling of many flowers as they appear outdoors.

If you love the sloshy looseness of some watercolor paintings, enjoy a lack of control.

Enjoy an extremely efficient way to draw with the ‘mess’ in the lid of your paint set.

Using color, contrast and focal point, Kath talks about creating distance and importance.

Since words double the meaning, Kath shows how to incorporate them into sketches.

Kath demonstrates how to control the lights and darks of the water-soluble line.

Kath demonstrates how to make trees and shrubs identifiable from one another.

Kath demonstrates how to get your equipment out and back without putting anything down.