Reporter Roundup: COVID-19 Hits Nursing Homes Hard
The April 16 edition of the Reporter Roundup features KPCC reporters discuss COVID-19’s hit to city and county budgets, concerns over nursing home deaths and news on paid sick leave for grocery workers.
Nursing homes and assisted living facilities have become hot spots for COVID-19 outbreaks. KPCC’s Jackie Fortier has details on tightening restrictions at long term care centers and nursing homes.
KPCC’s Libby Denkmann reports on the significant impact the coronavirus is having on city and county budgets in Southern California.
Paid sick leave will be extended to California’s grocery workers according to KPCC’s Elina Shatkin.
Featured Reporters:
Libby Denkmann @libdenk
Jackie Fortiér @JackieFortier
Robert Garrova @robertgarrova
Elina Shatkin @elinashatkin
Adriene Hill @adrienehill
This program has been produced through a collaboration with LAist and KPCC.
PBS SoCal and KCET are partnering with KPCC and LAist to bring you a daily reporter roundup discussing the latest regional news about COVID-19.
For more COVID-19 coverage, click here.