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Retro Report on PBS
Correcting the Myth of the Superpredator
Season 1
Episode 8
States are reconsidering life prison sentences of people who were given mandatory life terms as juveniles – a practice since ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. At the time, in the 1990s, a handful of researchers inspired panic with a dire but flawed prediction: the imminent arrival of a new breed of remorseless teen killers, so-called superpredators.
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New Yorker magazine humorist Andy Borowitz takes a look at a thriving industry: bullying.

A decades-old battle is re-emerging over how sex is presented in the classroom.

H.I.V. rates have fallen in many places, but the AIDS crisis persists in parts of the U.S.

After Napster, many consumers got used to media on demand. There was no turning back.

Today's immigration policies echo an anti-immigration movement 25 years ago in California.

Her complaint sounded frivolous. But the facts told another story.

The rise of special operations units today can be traced to two past operations.

Andy Borowitz examines how Anita Bryant inadvertently energized the gay rights movement.

A new understanding of risk emerged from the study of a NASA disaster.