Matching Gifts

Many companies across Southern California will match their employees' donations dollar-for-dollar. Make your donation to PBS SoCal go twice as far with a matching gift in two easy steps.
Step 1
Speak to your HR department today about their matching gift program and eligibility requirements. Many companies match the gifts of retirees, spouses, surviving spouses, and outside directors. Be sure to find out if your employer uses paper forms for their matching gift program or if they require your donation information to be submitted to an online portal.
Our legal name is Public Media Group of Southern California and our FEIN (Tax ID) is: 95-2211661. Your company will need this information to ensure they're matching funds to the correct organization.
Step 2
If your employer uses paper forms in the matching gift process, you'll start by obtaining a copy and filling out the employee portion. The form may ask for such information as your name, address, donation amount, and the date of your donation. Keep a copy for your records, but send the originals to Public Media Group of Southern California to the address below. The rest of the matching gift process will be taken care of by a Public Media Group of Southern California representative.
Public Media Group of Southern California
ATTN: Frances DiPietro
PO Box 25113
Santa Ana, CA 92799-5113
For more information about matching gifts, contact Member Services at (714) 241-4100 ext. 4 or