Sunset Salute to Huell Howser Scheduled for January 15

[Update: Read our report from the event.]
An outpouring of stories and memories from fans across California have come to us since we learned of Huell Howser's passing. Now many will have the chance to gather to remember the man who taught us so much about our home.
L.A. City Councilmember Tom LaBonge today said he's organizing a "Sunset Salute" on January 15 at Griffith Observatory, a location befitting to Howser's work. "I felt compelled to do something for my friend and everyone's angel," LaBonge said, noting that he understood Howser did not want a public ceremony. "Maybe if I am lucky enough to get to Heaven, he'll punch me out; I had to do this."
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will order all city flags to half staff the same day, LaBonge said.
The sun will set at 5:07 p.m. Remarks are scheduled for 4 p.m. If Observatory parking, which is free throughout the park, is at a capacity, complimentary shuttles can be picked up at The Greek Theatre.
Photo: Sunset from Griffith Observatory. Taken by Steven Bevacqua/Flickr/Creative Commons License