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Mapping Community: Kristen A.

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Creating personal maps is one of the first activities we do in Youth Voices. We asked the students at South El Monte High School to identify the places where they spend time with friends, or places that have meaning to them, as well as other key locations, people, and things. This begins the process of thinking critically about their neighborhood, along with initiating a creative freedom to express ideas true to their experiences. The maps provide a visual narrative of their city and a possible vision for the future. To see more of their work click HERE or use #kcetyv on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

To draw a map of my own community was a bitter-sweet feeling, because I didn't know where, or how to start. I started drawing my ideas down and sketching buildings I frequent soon things began to fall into place. I started with my house, because it's the place where I live.

I would love to see the vacant lot across Burger Zone turn into something useful for our community. The empty lot takes away from the communal atmosphere when you pass by. It's a drag knowing that if it's going to be turn into something it's usually a restaurant or retail plaza.

Epiphany Catholic Church in South El Monte is a location with deep personal meaning, because it's where I did my first communion and where I have confessed all my sins -- it's my home away from home.

The South El Monte High School library is a place where study, attend tutoring, and plan all of my research. I can always count on getting help when I need it. I'm the person that defines my neighborhood, because I represent South El Monte everywhere I go. I show the world outside South El Monte I can do things other people do.

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