APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN: 2019 California Student Media Festival

PBS SoCal and CUE are excited to present the 53rd Annual California Student Media Festival (CSMF). Join us in celebrating student creativity by entering your students' multimedia projects!
As the country’s oldest student media festival, CSMF helps elevate young voices and provides an opportunity for students to earn recognition for the work they create in school or at extracurricular programs.

It's easy to enter—teachers submit students’ work to the associated grade-level division (Elementary, Middle, or High school) and then to either the curricular or craft category. The festival accepts all kinds of student-created media: short films, news pieces, animation, VR ... if your students created it, we want to see it!
The entry window is March 4-15, 2019. The festival is free to enter and winning entries will get a fabulous prize or two, perhaps even cash prizes for your school or organization!
Visit for information on how to enter, guidelines and more. You can also check out our resource toolkit with lesson plans, video production tutorials, and storytelling tools!