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April 14 | Programming and Activities | Grades 9–12

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At-Home Learning: PBS SoCal and KCET, in partnership with LAUSD and in collaboration with California PBS stations, are offering broadcast programming with digital resources that adhere to California’s state curriculum. Download this week's schedule.


Programming Highlights

The Swamp | American Experience
Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. PST on KCET 
Discover the dramatic yet little known story of humanity’s attempt to conquer the Everglades. Tune in or stream.

A portion of the Turner River in Florida | Flickr/

Boss: The Black Experience in Business Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. PST on KLCS
Learn the untold history of African American entrepreneurship, where skill, industriousness, ingenuity, sheer courage in the face of overwhelming odds and a tradition of giving back provided the backbone of our nation’s economic and social growth. Tune in or stream.

Preview | BOSS: The Black Experience in Business

Reconstruction: America After the Civil War, Episode 1
Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. PST on KLCS
The years following the Civil War were almost equally hopeful and violent. As four million African Americans gained their deserved freedom and got the chance to build new lives … racist white resistance flourished. Learn more about the “second American revolution” that came as a result. Tune in or stream.

Children peer from behind a fence in the late 1860s | Still from "Reconstruction: America After the Civil War"


At-Home Learning Tips

Enjoy More Chances for Family Togetherness One of the most heartwarming aspects to come out of this unprecedented moment is that families now have more time to spend together than ever before. With morning and afternoon commutes canceled, school drop-offs and pick-ups gone, and extracurricular activities suspended, several hours of the day have been returned for families to spend together. Find more ways to keep your family entertained and engaged in the long days at home.


Daily Programming

Tuesday on KCET

9:00 a.m.

Family Pictures: Southwest Florida (US History) 

The Florida’s Everglades: The River of Grass - Interactive

Great Florida Cattle Drive - Video

10:00 a.m.

Africa’s Great Civilizations: Cities (World History)

Episode 4 Map - Map

The Expansion of Islam and Trade in Africa - Teaching Tips

11:00 a.m.

American Experience: The Swamp (History/Conservation)

A Place To Remember: Indigenous Stories of the Everglades - Interactive

Zora Neale Hurston and the Polk County Blues - Interactive

Impact of 1928 Hurricane on Everglades Migrant Workers - Teaching Tips

1:00 p.m.

The Andes: Kingdoms of the Sky

Grass Bridge - Discussion Questions

The Inca’s Sacred City of Cuzco - Discussion Questions

2:00 p.m.

Nova: Chinese Chariot Revealed (Science/Archeology)

How Do We Know About the Shang?: The Story of China - Discussion Questions

Know Your Dynasties: The Story of China - Interactive

Tuesday on KLCS

1:00 p.m.

The Woman in White: Part 2 (British Lit)

Suffragists - Images

Soldier &Citizen: Suffrage - Video

2:00 p.m.

Boss: The Black Experience in Business (US History)

Forty Acres and a Mule - Discussion Questions

Keep Your Head Up: Black America Since MLK - Video

Keep Your Head Up: Black America Since MLK - Handout

4:00 p.m.

Reconstruction: America After the Civil War “Part 1” (US History)

The Black Codes - Activity 1

The 15th Amendment and African American Men in Congress - Discussion Question


Additional Resources

Cypress Cathedral
Meet botanical illustrator Kathleen Konicek-Moran as she takes you on a very calm visit to Everglades National Park and shows you some very interesting airplants and the sexual organs of Cowhorn orchids, as we ll as how she reconstructs these plants from real life to vivid, scientifically-accurate watercolor illustrations to be used for trail guides and signs in the park. See Kathleen's final illustration here.

A Cowhorn Orchid at Everglades National Park | Flick/

Biodiversity Heritage Library Coloring Book
Try your hand at botanical illustration like Kathleen with these coloring sheets.

A Place to Remember- Interactive
Meet the Indigenous peoples of the Florida Everglades who know the place best — members of the Seminole and Miccosukee Tribes and learn about how for them, the Everglades is not just a place, but a promise made long ago. The land saved their ancestors; now they must save the land.

Hollywood's Architect: The Paul R. Williams Story
Nicknamed “Architect to the Stars,” African American architect Paul R. Williams was one of the most successful architects of his time. But at the height of his career he wasn’t always welcome in the buildings he designed because of his race. See how he used talent, determination and even charm to defy the odds and create a celebrated body of work.

Hollywood's Architect: The Paul R. Williams Story
Paul R. Williams defied the odds to become one of the most notable architects in history.
Hollywood's Architect: The Paul R. Williams Story

6 Black Women Entrepreneurs Share How to Become Your Own Boss
Meet five dynamic Black women founders and learn about their entrepreneurship journeys, plus their five top tips to success.

Dare to Dream: William J. Powell, Booster of Black Flight
Ever since his first flight, William J. Powell became infatuated with aviation. He saw it as a way for African American men and women to soar far above a racist world. Read on to find out how his fascination with the sky led to a successful career in entrepreneurship.

William J. Powell | Still from Blue Sky Metropolis "Wings: Aviation Takes Flight in Early Los Angeles"

Reconstruction and Black Education
Before the Civil War, most southern states made it illegal to educate slaves, but many enslaved people did learn to read and write. Watch to learn about how the number of schools and the literacy rate for African Americans increased dramatically during this time, as well as about the racist resistance that sparked.

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