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May 11 | Programming and Activities | Grades 4–8

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At-Home Learning: PBS SoCal and KCET, in partnership with LAUSD and in collaboration with California PBS stations, are offering broadcast programming with digital resources that adhere to California’s state curriculum. Download this week’s schedule.

Monday on KLCS

8:00 a.m.

Nova: Inside Animal Minds: Bird Genius (Science)

As the Crow Thinks - Video and Support Materials
Cornell Bird Cams Lab: Citizen Science for Your Classroom - Video and Support Materials

A crow holds a stone in its mouth over a transparent tube
007, a crow, puts a stone inside a tube. | Still from "As the Crow Thinks" PBS LearningMedia

9:00 a.m.

History Detectives: WB Cartoons, Galvez Papers, Mussolini Dagger (Social Studies)

The African Americans: Antebellum Agents of Change, Causes and Effects of Abolition
Primary Source Set: The Rise of Italian Fascism and Its Influence on Europe - Interactive

10:00 a.m.

When Whales Walked: Journeys in Deep Time (Science)

Crocodile Ancestors - Video and Support Materials
Birds Are Living Dinosaurs - Video and Support Materials
Pakicetus: Walking Whale Ancestor - Video and Support Materials
Age of Elephants - Video and Support Materials
When Whales Walked - Video

The reconstructed skeleton of Pakicetus, a four-legged whale ancestor.
The reconstructed skeleton of Pakicetus, a four-legged whale ancestor, at the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle in Paris. | Still from "Pakicetus: Walking Whale Ancestor" PBS LearningMedia

12:00 p.m.

Nova: Inside Animal Minds: Bird Genius (Science)

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology: “I Wonder” - Activity
Bird Brains: The Life of Birds - Webpage