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May 13 | Programming and Activities | Grades 4–8

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At-Home Learning: PBS SoCal and KCET, in partnership with LAUSD and in collaboration with California PBS stations, are offering broadcast programming with digital resources that adhere to California’s state curriculum. Download this week’s schedule.

Wednesday on KLCS

8:00 a.m.

Nova: Inside Animal Minds: Who’s The Smartest (Science)

Chimpanzee Deception - Video and Support Materials
Elephant Stranger Danger - Video and Support Materials

A herd of elephants | Still from "Elephant Stranger Danger" / PBS LearningMedia

9:00 a.m.

History Detectives: Airplane Engine Part, Metal Shavings, Yakima Saddle (Social Studies)

Pearl Harbor: The Attack - Video and Support Materials
Fort Sumter - Video

10:00 a.m.

Plants Behaving Badly: Sex & Lies (Science)

Crash Course Biology: The Plants & The Bees, Plant Reproduction
Our Hungry Planet: Why Protect Pollinators? - Video and Support Materials

Detail of a male cone | Still from "The Plants & The Bees: Plant Reproduction | Crash Course Biology" / PBS LearningMedia

11:00 a.m.

Breakthrough, The Ideas That Changed The World: The Airplane (Science)

STEM in 30: Kites to Flight, Inventing with the Wright Brothers - Video and Support Materials
STEM in 30: Wilbur and Orville Wright, The Process of Invention - Video and Support Materials

12:00 p.m.

Nova: Inside Animal Minds: Who’s The Smartest (Science)

Dolphins Plan Ahead - Video and Support Materials
Your Favorite Smart Animal - Interactive and Support Materials

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