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May 14 | Programming and Activities | Grades 4–8

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At-Home Learning: PBS SoCal and KCET, in partnership with LAUSD and in collaboration with California PBS stations, are offering broadcast programming with digital resources that adhere to California’s state curriculum. Download this week’s schedule.

Thursday on KLCS

8:00 a.m.

Nova: Dog Tales (Science)

Historic Relationships Between Dogs and Humans - Video and Support Materials

Nature: From Wolf to Dog - Video and Lesson

A pair of wolves near the Arctic Circle
A pair of dogs near the Arctic Circle | Still from "Dogs That Changed the World: The Rise of the Dog" /

9:00 a.m.

History Detectives: John Brown’s Raid Weapon, Siberia, Ronald McDonald Costume (Social Studies)

John Brown’s Holy War - Before the Raid - Interactive

John Brown Gathers His Arsenal - Video

Portrait of John Brown, 1860 - Image and Support Materials

John Brown Pike, c. 1858 - Image and Support Materials

The Bolshevik Revolution: Lasting Effects - Media Gallery and Support Materials

10:00 a.m.

Spy in the Wild, A Nature Miniseries: The Islands (Nature)

Evolution Down Under - Article

Cracking the Koala Code: Koala Fact Sheet - Article

The Cuban Crab Migration - Video and Support Materials

One koala rests on top of another
One koala rests on top of another. |

11:00 a.m.

Breakthrough, The Ideas That Changed The World: The Robot (Science)

Anatomy of a Rover - Interactive

Justin Garretson, Robotics Engineer - Video and Support Materials

Motorized Car - Activity

What Is a Robot? - Lesson Plan

12:00 p.m.

Nova: Dog Tales (Science)

Do Dogs Understand Fairness? - Video and Support Materials

Social and Historical Perspectives of Dogs - Video and Support Materials

Social and Cultural Perspectives of Dogs - Video and Support Materials

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