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May 8 | Programming and Activities | Grades 4–8

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At-Home Learning: PBS SoCal and KCET, in partnership with LAUSD and in collaboration with California PBS stations, are offering broadcast programming with digital resources that adhere to California’s state curriculum. Download this week’s schedule.

Friday on KLCS

8:00 a.m.

Nova: Why Bridges Collapse (Science)

Building Big / Brooklyn Bridge - Article
Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 - Image
The Silver Bridge Tragedy - Video and Support Materials

9:00 a.m.

History Detectives: Jackie Robinson All-Stars, Modoc Basket (Social Studies)

Racism and Exclusion in Jackie Robinson’s Early Career - Video and Support Materials
Jackie Robinson: 3-2-1 Strategy Chart - Activity
The Settlement of the American West - Interactive
Biography: J. Edgar Hoover - Article

Black and white photo of an African American man in a white Dodgers uniform.
Jackie Robinson | Still from "Racism and Exclusion in Jackie Robinson's Early Career" PBS LearningMedia

10:00 a.m.

Nova: Polar Extremes (Science)

Changing Arctic Landscape - Video and Support Materials
Adaptations to Changes in Temperature / Polar Extremes - Media Gallery and Support Materials
Community Outreach Toolkit / Polar Extremes - Lesson
NOVA: Polar Extremes - Collection of Support Materials

12:00 p.m.

Nova: Why Bridges Collapse (Science)

PBS NewsHour: Experts Warned Before Italy Bridge Collapse That Cables Were Corroding, Report Says - Article
Survivors Recount Bridge Collapse in Genoa, Italy - Video
What are the Responsibilities of a Bridge Inspector? - Video and Support Materials

The collapsed Morandi Bridge is seen in the Italian port city of Genoa
The collapsed Morandi Bridge is seen in the Italian port city of Genoa, Italy August 14, 2018. REUTERS/Massimo Pinca - RC19B6772F60/ PBS NewsHour | REUTERS