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Week of March 30 | Grades 4-8

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At-Home Learning: PBS SoCal and KCET, in partnership with LAUSD and in collaboration with California PBS stations, are offering broadcast programming with digital resources that adhere to California’s state curriculum. Download this week's schedule.

Programming Highlights

Ancient Skies
Wednesday thru Friday at 10 a.m. PST on KLCS
Discover how centuries of knowledge, experimentation and engineering helped our ancestors understand the mysteries of space. Expert contributors decode astronomical myths and uncover the science behind their origins.

Earth-Centered Cosmos

The Amazing Human Body
Wednesday thru Friday at 11 a.m. PST on KLCS
The human body is a wonderful machine. Explore the internal mechanics of the human body through pioneering graphics and captivating scientific case studies. Witness the fascinating and finely tuned systems that keep the body motoring and the scientists guessing.

The Great American Read Grand Finale
Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. PST on KLCS 
The results are in and America's 100 best-loved books are will be revealed. Is your favorite book among the list? This grand finale will honor the top-voted books in multiple categories and unveil the winner Americans have chosen as their #1 best-loved novel.

The Great American Read Teaser Trailer

Related Content

Our Journey to Building a Life on Mars
Read about the terrestrial designers creating solutions to help humankind live on another planet.

Mars City Design plans to use 3D printing to test some of the structures in the Mojave desert. | Courtesy of Mars City Design
Mars City Design plans to use 3D printing to test some of the structures in the Mojave desert. | Courtesy of Mars City Design

Incredible Examples of Evolution Hidden In Your Body
Thanks to evolution and natural selection, humans have evolved into amazing beings. See the tell-tale signs of the human body's journey throughout time in this short 7-minute video.

Wil Wheaton Reveals Some of His Favorite Reads
Best known for his appearances on "The Big Bang Theory" and "Star Trek," Wil Wheaton has also been lighting up the web his award-winning series, "Tabletop." This child star witih a subculture following now shares some of his best reads and reading idiosyncracies.


Download Some Cool Book Posters
Love to read and want to show it? Download some great posters touting America's best-loved books.

A gallery shot of downloadable posters from the Great American Read
A gallery shot of downloadable posters from the Great American Read

The Teenage Brain
Kids' brains really are different from those of adults. Explore some of the more striking differences in the way children and teens deal with daily tasks and communicate with others.

Lesson Plans

The Beginnings of the Telescope
This animated essay from NOVA details the design and workings of Galileo's refracting telescope and Newton's reflecting telescope. Newton recognized several shortcomings of the refracting telescope's design and used mirrors in place of lenses to overcome them.

Human Body Regulation
How does the human body self-regulate? We begin by looking at how the human body regulates temperature and why fevers aren't necessarily bad things. An interactive Web activity also explores other ways in which the body maintains homeostasis, such as by controlling heart rate, respiration rate, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure.

Woman in the middle of doing a walkover
Woman in the middle of doing a walkover. |

The Legacy of To Kill a Mockingbird
Even today, the themes of "To Kill a Mockingbird" still ring true. By watching a clip about a man wrongly accused of murder, we connect this classic book to reality, and consider how the setting of the book — its time, place, and social conditions, impacted the novel.

At-Home Learning Tips

Reflect About Family Memories Take a walk down memory lane. Many children may miss their extended family members during this time of social distancing. Spend some time looking at family photos and take the opportunity to relive special moments like birthdays or family vacations. Read more tips on how to reflect on today's situation here.