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At-Home Learning: PBS SoCal | KCET, in partnership with LAUSD and in collaboration with California PBS stations, are offering broadcast programming with…
This week we explore how children learn to retell stories and describe a sequence of events.
This week, we explore science with Curious George.
This week we look at counting.
At Home Learning: PBS SoCal | KCET, in partnership with LAUSD and in collaboration with California PBS stations, are offering broadcast programming with…
Cardboard city
En esta actividad, los niños crearán una ciudad nocturna para contar las ventanas de los edificios de dos en dos usando una linterna.
A nighttime cardboard city
In this activity, children will create a nighttime city and skip count the windows by 2 using a flashlight.
A duck mask necklace
Crea un collar de pato y haz “cuac” mientras contamos y resolvemos ecuaciones básicas.
Duck mask necklace
Make a duck mask necklace and quack along as we count and solve basic math equations.
Balanza casera
Creen una balanza casera para comparar el peso de juguetes pequeños.
Marble and counting bear
Create a balance scale to compare weights of small toys and household objects.
Movil colgante de figuras
Construye un móvil colgante para aumentar el conocimiento de tu niño sobre las figuras geométricas y sus propiedades.
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