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Key Art for "Idea Channel" featuring host Mike Rugnetta.

Here's an idea: a PBS show that examines the connections between pop culture, technology, and art.

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Does Math Really Exist?
Idea Channel questions whether math is "real" or a feature of human creation.
Is the Universe a Computer?
The whole universe is an incredibility complex computational system. But for what purpose?
Why Do We Love Zombies?
How can we explain our current fascination with zombies?
Can Video Games Become the Next Spectator Sport?
Could eSports ever achieve this level of storytelling?
Is Sad Music Actually Sad?
What is it about music that makes us feel these feelings we're feeling?
A Visit to Mr. Monfre's Class
A special Idea Channel episode featuring a visit by Mike to Mr. Monfre's class.
An Interview with Minecraft EDU Creator Joel Levin
An interview with Minecraft EDU's creator, Joel Levin.
Is a Tagged Instagram More Than Just a Photo?
Here's an idea: a tagged Instagram is more than just a photo.
Is Community a Postmodern Masterpiece?
NBC's Community defies conventions of a traditional sitcom. But is it postmodern?
Will Kickstarter Replace Hollywood?
Kickstarter has transformed fundraising for creatives. But will it topple Hollywood?
Is Piracy Helping Game of Thrones?
Here's an idea: Game Of Thrones owes its success to piracy.
Do Knock-Offs Prove the Value of a Brand?
Knock-off products might not be as detrimental to a brand as they initially seem.
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