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California's Gold with Huell Howser
Getty Garden
The Central Garden, created by renowned artist Robert Irwin, lies at the heart of the Getty Center. The 134,000-square-foot design features a natural ravine and a tree-lined walkway that leads the visitor through an extraordinary experience of sights, sounds, and scents. Huell gets a special tour from Jim Duggan, the Central Garden's curatorial advisor and the gardeners who keep this living sculpture alive for everyone to enjoy.
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Huell travels back to a bygone era when he tours the Aztec Hotel and the Wigwam Motel.

Huell visits Fort MacArthur Museum in San Pedro to relive the Great Los Angeles Air Raid.

Join Huell and trace the lives of two men who created two of our state's amazing buried treasures.

Join Huell on a sizzling trip to the Mojave Desert in San Bernardino County to visit Amboy

Huell spends the day exploring San Francisco's Coit Tower, including the beautiful murals that adorn the lobby with the descendants of one of the original artists.