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How Mantises Became Nature’s Strangest Assassins
Mantises are masters of disguise and evolution has shaped their camouflage in surprising ways.
How Ants Make Our Cities Healthier
NYC ants can eat 6,000 hot dogs a year… and that’s making our cities greener.
Why Bumble Bees Are the Fuzzy Heroes We Need
Bumble bees—vital and fuzzy pollinators—face unique threats amidst global insect declines.
Butterfly Effect: Can Monarchs Avoid Extinction?
How do you track a disappearing butterfly? Drop in on one overwintering spot to find out.
For Your Consideration: The Incredible… Roach!
Can you ever love a roach? The crucial role roaches play in ecosystems may surprise you!
Pssst: Ladybugs Have a Killer Secret
Beneath ladybugs’ charming spots and vibrant colors lie killer instincts.
What Makes Dragonflies So Extraordinary
Take flight with dragonflies and discover what makes them spectacular aerialists.
Fireflies' Love Language Is Their Butts
Decode firefly flirting and their language of light with entomologist Jessica Ware.
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