State of the Union 2013
President Barack Obama delivered his State of the Union address on Tuesday in Washington, D.C. This was his fifth State of the Union since taking office in 2009 and his first since being re-elected to a second term.
The President's speech focused on the nation's economy, and he set forth an agenda to continue building on the progress already made in job creation, education, and in strengthening the American middle class. He also touched upon the most polemic issues facing the nation in the years to come, including threats to national security, conflicts abroad, climate change, immigration, and gun control. He has a year before Congress begins focusing on the midterm elections, and it is not clear whether he will get the bipartisan support to achieve his goals during his last term as Commander-in-Chief.
Hosts Val Zavala and Madeleine Brand were joined by several guests to analyze and recap the President's speech. They included The Washington Post's Aaron Blake, who writes for the newspaper's top political blog, The Fix; Raphael Sonenshein, executive director of CSULA's Pat Brown Institute of Public Affairs; Ange-Marie Hancock, associate director of the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration; and Nate Cohn of the The New Republic.
(Associated Photo Credit: Charles Dharapak/Pool/Getty Images)