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Two people hugging at memorial with photo of deceased next to them | Still from SoCal Connected, "Who Killed Josiah?", Courtesy Mark McKenna

Who Killed Josiah?

Season 10 Episode 1102
Private Property sign in foreground with beach behind it | Still from "Access Denied" on SoCal Connected

Access Denied

Season 10 Episode 1103
Girl in foreground stretching, with teammates stretching behind her | Still from "Born to Run", SoCal Connected

Born to Run

Season 10 Episode 1104
Students sit at a desk | Still from SoCal Connected's "Under Pressure"

Under Pressure

Season 10 Episode 1105
Marijuana plants with law enforcement officers behind it | Still from SoCal Connected "Cannabis Country"

Cannabis Country

Season 10 Episode 1106
SOCAL CONNECTED “Fire Station 9”

Fire Station 9

Season 10 Episode 1107
City of Fullerton police cars in a parking lot | Still from SoCal Connected's "The Fight to Know"

The Fight to Know

Season 10 Episode 1108
Veteran Tending to a Marijuana Plant

'Airbnbs Gone Wild' and 'Military Buds'

Season 8 Episode 901
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SoCal Connected

L.A.'s Murals, Citizen Scientists, Guerrilla Gardeners, Jackrabbit Homesteads

Ever since Los Angeles lifted its decade-long ban on public murals, artists have been eager to showcase their talents, but getting the necessary approvals can be complicated. As Nic Cha Kim discovers, some murals are also blurring the line between art and advertisement.

Learn how a friendly bet led to a citywide citizen science program. Cara Santa Maria explores how the Natural History Museum'sBioSCAN project is helping us discover more about the insects in our own backyards.

A nocturnal group of succulent-loving laborers are transforming ugly patches of neglected public land into gardens. Val Zavala meets up with these "guerrilla gardeners."

The rustic allure of the American West continues to bring creative types to San Bernardino County, where a handful of artists are reclaiming abandoned jackrabbit homesteads and turning them into personal studios.

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Pharmacy counter in Los Angeles
A look at the profiteering behind two of America's fastest growing diseases affecting millions of Californians.
la county districts
"SoCal Connected" profiles how some local governments have used political borders to dilute minorities' power, and what is being done about it.
Out Of Bounds Still
One of the nation's top high school athletes was on a path to the NFL, but instead became the poster child for what's wrong with L.A.'s mental Health system.
News Blues - LA News
The LA Times may have found its savior in Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, but how will the other local newsrooms in LA be rescued?
The People Vs. Kiera Newsome
One woman strives to prove her innocence from behind bars.
30 Years with Val Zavala
This half-hour retrospective reviews Zavala's role in covering some of the region's most critical events and key influencers.
Hands of an Undocumented Immigrant
A look at the spike in the number of employers retaliating against undocumented workers when they complain of stolen wages. What is the legal loophole that transforms neighborhoods and gets developments built without consent from the community?
A Worker At Cisco Pinedo's Furniture Business
With the rise of the super-temp, comes the increase income inequality. What happens when half the workforce are gig workers? SoCal Connected follows an Uber driver who lost his job and is struggling to support his family as an independent contractor. Ho
'Who Approved That?,' 'Super Soil,' and 'Oil Activist'
SoCal Connected takes a deep dive into L.A.'s housing, the idyllic Apricot Farms and the Los Angeles teenager who took on the oil industry, city hall and the Catholic Church to curb urban oil drilling in her neighborhood - and won.
'Maybe Babies' and 'Patagonia's Workplace Paradise'
Nearly a million frozen embryos are stored in labs across the nation.
Man Looks at Housing Development in his Backyard in Westchester
As new developments pop up all over L.A., many are asking, 'Who approved that?'
Bail Screen Grab
The price of freedom for some in the L.A. County Jail system is simply to high a cost. As much as a quarter of the 17,000 in LA's jails are there simply because they cannot make bail. Condors were close to extinction when officials took an aggressive appr
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